Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Our video show some different senerios on scheduling.  No matter what you are..partier, ditz, or nerd you still need to schedule.  I had alot of fun doing this project.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Museum Box, Go Animate 4 Schools,

Museum Box, was a very interesting and could be such a useful tool.  I would use this tool like Cody had said as a timeline in my classes.  I think the visual aid will help the students get more into learning.  Also like someone had mentioned in class this would be a great tool, to show students what we will be learning this week/month.

Go!Animate, seems like a fun website to entertain and teach at the same time.  It would be awesome if they had some kind of free trial so we could test it out before buying and using the tool.

Popplet, story jumper, wordle

Popplet I found the most interesting, an endless billboard!! I find this tool would be very useful in the class room.  In the classroom I would use this tool as a discussion board for the students to use and I would monitor, kind of a hands on learning.

Story Jumper, as an early education major would be perfect for bring the technology into the classroom.  I would use this for my students to create their own year books, showing their parents what they have done throughout the year.

The website wordle I found you could use as a poster maker, or to better understand articles.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


      I am absolutely in love with this tool!  Edmodo is an online classroom in a way.  Lets say you teach multiple classes one for 8th grade, and 7th grade history; You make different groups and have your students make an account give them the account code to join.  You can assign homework, class work, or other tasks to the groups, and you can make quizzes, and polls. Also you can make alerts to the groups saying for example: Midterm Friday! As a reminded letting students know ahead of time. Posting notes to the group maybe in the note share some useful ways to study for the upcoming midterm.You (as a teacher) also have a grade book and calender tool.
The pros of the tool... The ease of making an account
                                  Staying connected with your students
                                  Reminding students when a big exam
The cons of the tool... Students may not have a computer

Visit Edmodo at http://www.edmodo.com/home

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Bone Dance

Since, I want to be a elemtery teacher I have ebbed a video from a show, that kids around the ages I will be teaching could relate to.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Teachers are being asked to accept wage freezes AND pay more into their health and pension benefits"

As future teachers, we know that the salary is not that amazing.  This is especially worrisome, because there has been so many salary cuts and job loss in the education field. My mom, even before she heard about the budget cuts in education, has worried that it will be hard for me to find a job since the demand for teachers has decreased. "College seniors and current education majors must worry about the number of experienced teachers that are sitting on the sidelines in addition to the unlikelihood that school leaders will hire for new teaching posts this year." As always there is light at the end of the tunnel "However, I expect that schools will generally look to maintain their teaching staffs, contemplate replacing retiring teachers and hold off on creating new teaching positions for at least another year. The potential for job seekers to attain employment in education will dependent on their ability to develop skills, fit within the mission of the organization and grow professionally within the organization." What do you all think? Is this "light at the end of the tunnel" true or is it just us as teachers and future teachers wanting something positive to happen?

"Job Outlook for College Grads in Education." Copyright © 2010-2011 Politics of Decline, Redux Blog at WordPress.com. Theme: INove by NeoEase. 03 2011. 1. Web. 9 Oct 2011. <http://politicsdecline.wordpress.com/2011/03/06/job-outlook-for-college-grads-in-education/>.